Please Complete and read before your first lesson with us!
Forms, Waivers and Terms and Conditions
The Important Stuff
Please find attached links to complete our waiver, registration form and you’ll also find a copy of our terms and conditions. Once you are booked into your classes you will receive an email with these but you only need to complete each form once.
Terms and conditions
Registration Form:
Before attending your first Institute Of Dance class, please ensure you complete the registration form.
Institute Of Dance guarantee all information collected via the Registration Form is stored safely and securely.
If after completing the form there is a change to your information, please notify us via email so that we can amend our records.
Institute Of Dance runs a cashless payment system. We do not accept cash and expect all participants to pay promptly on receipt of invoice. Invoices will be billed at the start of each half term.
All classes are non-refundable unless the Institute Of Dance is responsible for cancellation.
Our main source of communication is via email so please be sure to look out for any class information sent your way. Please also make sure we have an up-to-date contact email for you so you don’t miss out any class information, exciting news or upcoming events.
We may also post updates via our social media pages so make sure to follow us for regular information (links to these can be found on our website)
Changes to classes/class cancellations:
On occasion it may be necessary to cancel classes for reasons such as staff illness, severe weather or unprecedented circumstances. If this happens you will be notified as soon as possible via email, text or social media. In this occurrence you will receive a refund or an additional rescheduled class and our sincerest apologies.
Similarly, any changes to classes you will be notified as soon as possible by the same sources.
In the Enrolment Form you will be asked to give consent to being photographed/videoed. During classes you will work on exciting routines and technical exercises; as a brand new company we would love to be able to look back on previous dances, to see our progress, remind ourselves of class favourites and share what we get up to with our community.
It is not mandatory to be recorded so just let us know if you don’t want to be recorded at any point, or if not at all tick ‘I do not give consent’ on the registration form.
Photos/videos will be used for promotional and marketing purposes on our website, social media platforms and potentially advertisement materials.
So that we know who to expect please aim to notify us as much in advance as possible when you are unable to attend a class. If you no longer wish to dance with us, we require a full half terms notice to quit classes.
Collection from class:
It is the parents/guardians responsibility to collect their child immediately once the class have finished. Every child under the age of 18 will be required to be collected by an adult. Unless written permission has been granted and confirmed between the parent/ guardian and the Institute of Dance.
Appropriate dancewear must be worn for all dance styles, here are a few examples of what you could wear to one of our classes:
Contemporary- bare feet or grippy socks, comfortable clothes to move in or a leotard and black footless tights or leggings
Ballet- Hair in a bun, leotard and pink ballet tights, ballet shoes.
Commercial- clothes comfortable to move in and clean, indoor dance trainers.
Hair must be worn out of the face.
No jewellery to be worn.
Staff are all fully qualified, insured, first aid trained and DBS checked.
All students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner, upholding the values of the Institute Of Dance Ethos.
Regarding lost property Institute Of Dance will make our best effort to help retrieve any lost items however we cannot be responsible for this. Participants should make sure they take with them all personal belongings on departure.
Institute Of Dance Ethos
To always work as a part of a team
To wear the correct attire relevant to the class discipline
Hair to be worn out of the face/ a bun for ballet
To show respect to the class teachers and support staff
Arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of class
Always bring a drink of water (no fizzy drinks or food to be brought into the studio)
No use of mobile phones during class
Parents are not permitted to enter the studio and watch classes unless invited by the teacher.
We appreciate younger children may need a parent to help settle in.
Final Disclaimer
By agreeing to these terms and conditions you accept the responsibility for all risks including, injury, cost, claim, lost or stolen property, damage or liability sustained whilst participating in any class or event provided by Institute Of Dance. Any participating individual does so at their own risk.